Contemporary stretch canvas belt-Garbage Pail Kids Card Belt #11

Size 31-36

This Garbage Pail Kids card belt includes classic GPK cards from the mid-to-late 1980's and early 1990's. It fits waist sizes 31-36. If this belt isn't built in your size you can .

Garbage Pail Kids cards included on this belt are:

- Dick Hick

- Donna Donor

- Frank N. Stein

- Itchy Mitch

- Jim Equipment

- Larry Lips

- Liberty Libby

- Murray Christmas

- Ned Head

- Polluted Percy

- Spittin' Spencer

- Thick Vic

- Undead Jed

- Vermin Herman


  • Waist size 31-36
  • Handmade
  • Every belt is a one-of-a-kind
  • Only 1-available
  • Built to be worn